Tuesday, March 5, 2019

This inspiration concept

I like the freedom of allowing us to think and decide what train of thought to follow when reading our scriptures, but something feels wrong like how my world turned upside down when I learned about determinism. Almost instantly it was settled with the notion off soft determinism...sure God knows that peter will betray Christ thrice before the cock crows but Peter is still free to make the choices. I mean really! I was ready to abandon the concept of time because it was a pointless concept before I really understood quantum physics and how agency needed time. In a cartoon about Joseph Smith, the boy commented how no one could be blamed for anything because it was all determined effects. The young Joseph saw how rediculous this was...ok, ok. What brought This allon was preparing for FHE we discussed the "Lord's Prayer" and I turned it into a lesson on prayer. But,the direction is to allow inspiration to guide. Well, I have been nonstop worried about how I taught 4 steps of prayer but this is not the way Jesus prayed in example. He actually warned about religious leaders of his
day trying to break things (prayer) down into teachable steps which might become easy to recall and repeat becoming "vain repetitions".

Then, I wanted to jot down a quick (yeah we all know how that goes) thought about God knowing our needs before we actually ask them....hot cocoa is getting cold. Brb

Ok, so I seem to have forgotten my great thought, but maybe it will come back to me as I type.

I was thinking again about things I do know, and recently at a testimony meeting (a church meeting where members in a congregation randomly share what they know to be true) someone

Going to switch gears... Alright, so in my patriarchal blessing, which is as it sounds a communication to us directly from our heavenly father. I could not wait until I was old enough to recieve such an epistle. I had no doubt it came from my heavenly father. I esteemed communication with my maker to be the most valuable and wrote such in my current journal. I was newly 14 years old. In my blessing among other things I did not understand I was comforted that I would actually find someone to love and be married to. Honestly, this was the farthest from my mind and has always been,  but when we studied Mathew chapter 6 I was struck by the reassurance that our father in Heaven knows us and what we need before we ask and that was what Jesus Christ was modeling for us all in public prayer as important to him, probably a thing He is thankful for. So, among things I may be unsure of, finding love is not one of them and it will not be a stumbling block or determining factor for me.

Ok, I remembered what I was about to say earlier regarding the thing someone said in a testimony meeting that has replayed in my thoughts... Only it left me momentarily as I tried to record it. It
was that someone mentioned doubting so many things yet having the presence of mind to ask Heavenly Father for a knowledge of the truth (or as is commonly referred to as a "witness" of things as they truly are). This person then shared the things they knew as a result and I thought. Wow, things really do work put as if there was some grand master plan although we do not sense it at the time, looking back we can see it, and it makes PERFECT sense that we need to live in time so that we can develop and grow while in actuality all time is the present to our Heavenly Father. And though it seems hard to understand at the time. I really and truthfully do see how things that seem hard must happen and be endured to bring about understanding. I would quote another here but I am under obligation to not share them. I can share how to preserve integrity and develop a strong base character eternally for a time one would need to choose incorrectly...that we might better know the Good when we see it.

For example: when I first moved to Utah I left what seemed like an ideal situation. And I actually made very bad choices and stopped attending church. This showed me the difference between a life lived correctly vs. one I might think was best. I merely wanted desperately to return to good standing, to be rebaptized if necessary. The life I thought was one I never chose but was born to was seriously the better of the two and I did come to feel it and know it.

I thought getting away from the burden of having to teach primary children every single week would be enjoyable but instead I missed it soooo much! I read a random twitter post yesterday where a writer expressed how much they hated writing and wished to be free of it during the creative process but after turning in s work they sang praises about how grateful they were to be a writer because it was the noblest profession.

Last week a woman mentioned how every time she hits a new low that she considers it rock bottom, until next time...eeek! I suppose feeling like you want to quit a profession is normal so that one may gain a greater appreciation of it. It is called "ups and downs" and if you do not experience them...I would be concerned... Nothing is free, and the best things cost more or in other words you get what you pay for.

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