Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Movie idea

What if the Lord prayed to his father in Gathsemene and was rescued from having to suffer for the sins of the world?

Moral: though, to us our trials seem terrible and we pray for relief, maybe that is not the best thing to do cause our father wants to help us, and it hurts him to hear our complaints when those trials are the only way for us to fufill our duty.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Song October 2013

If I wrote the perfect lyrics and sang them to the most enchanting melody, still it could not capture that inner part of me that lives in a cage wanting to find the way somehow to communicate the thoughts would set me free.

I've loved you for so long,
I've loved you all along
So, the time has come at last to set my words to song
To tell you how I'm feeling
To somehow let you know that I cannot let you go, no matter what I try.