Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Don't forget!

I discovered a way to write real page turners, easily. I hope that I come back to this idea and develop it.

I had thought that writting dreams would make great stories. Something our brains already do to entertain us, then it happened. I realized that my best stories were already being created, and I hadn't actually given it much thought.

Afterall, most of the great stories of dieties were written by free thinkers who tried to explain a phenomenon. I create stories in my head all of the time to explain why things happen. Not so much natural things (like Greek mythology or bedtime stories about monsters), but I was listening to this guy's album when I wondered ,"what was his story?". His songs fit perfecty in my story. I bet his story is similar, that is when my mind began plotting out the most fantastical story ever. And though I thought, just speculation, and not true, Isn't that basically what all stories are anyway?

I could actually see scenes unfolding and thought, yeah, I need to write all of this down, it is a really cool story even though it is purely, ok, It might be pure fiction, but would I be able to create a good ending? I suppose that is something I will find out.


  1. I was going to share brief synopises of a couple of such stories, but decided not to, because, it has a too personal preface already I d not want the world wide web to be privy to how I came about these masterpiece-level stories, they are MY treasures and genuinely unique. Sharing them is the ultimate goal, but not here.

  2. Ok, miss liss, keep your little secrets. I already know them but was thinking that nothing ever stopped you from publishing clips of songs like this one: http://youtu.be/ja_ENYCOKUotate

    Story 1: S dopleganger story on a university campus in Upstate New York.

    Story 2: Howard's End type of thing. Only much more complex. And no house is involved, well, obviously everyone lives somewhere, they're not homeless, but the home isn't a character.

