Friday, February 24, 2017

Idea for a tv show

I have seen documentaries where I was not sure if it was intended to entertain, and I think, "can they do that?" I guess they can just have not yet. Why not, usually, by the time I think it, the idea is old news. I guess that is the same sort of idea with "reality TV".

My idea is to present the series as completely realistic, like "the Onion" does with the news, and present fabulous news that we all wish were true, complete with actors playing the roles that are printed on the screen as a given subject expert (professor of Artifical Induction at Princeton). But, the best part would be about a  family watching this documentary and giving reviews and we see how the new information plays out in their lives, or maybe the teenage daughter sits in the corner tweeting to her "friends" about the new world (not making tweeting sounds but sending messages to her account on Twitter)

Monday, February 20, 2017


If it is just science
What happened to keep you from conquering time as we know it?

Instead, it seems like death is the only way to see you. So, why should I even get better?

So much disgust

One should not begin a vacation in such a state but Utah is where I live because I am needed.

I did find hope first before I found a reason to be terms of a promise, a thing I could see or else truth would escape revealing the lie.

It is sad really.

I want a thing so much that I start to think I do see it, but the more I see the more I dispise.

"He who controls a thing owns that thing." but controling oneself is about as close as one gets to owning anything.
Here is one plain thought, it is a choice to take but it is the wrong choice, unless given, and then it isn't really taking in this context.

I just feel like a babe in a tantrum trying to scream and wiggle enough to remove all unwanted remnants simply because I do not know anyother way of dealing with them.

But, now I am older, and I quit out of disgust...well, that and I am sick

Monday, February 13, 2017

New old idea

If you love a thing, that doesn't change if an external facet changes, right?

I had this super duper movie idea, then, I realized Ghost Busters already used it, that one with Sigorney Weaver and Rick Moranis.

But, the idea was a bit different. It was like that opera.... no, no, I am not going to be discouraged for even thinking it.

The idea is that the man knows that it will be easy to get the woman to fall in love with him, cause she already did. And so she does fall in love, but as women do, she kept it secret, and he just got frustrated about to give up, then he rembered one other thing she couldn't resist, and she nearly showed how impressed she was, but didn't and the guy gives up. The End.