Got more figuring to do. I will explain here...but later, I have too much to do already for the time I have.
Ok, I have a brief moment before I go volunteer this will be brief. I wanted to hear Dave Barnes cause it was on my mind. I thought, maybe I ought to go to my Dave Barnes channel, then. But, I knew what would play there, each channel plays according to what its listeners say they like, so instead I wanted to hear what others lstened to or liked since my taint aka preferences had lessened on by Tal Bachman radio station, and it played Dave Barnes, huh? Perhaps it is because I had a station that showed my preference, but why if then did it not play Dave Barnes on his station? Which rarely happens. Likewise, on the Tal Bachman channel it is usually mostly stuff LDSaints listen to. But, I had stated my preferences on facebook for classical music so it made sense when it played classical LDS music. That fit with my notion that music was determined by what we said or searched publically, it was a basic equation to determine preference, nothing more. My fascination with reliably being able to hear music I prefer waned when my mind caught up to what my heart was thrilled with. But, if it was correct then preferences would be in order and delineated.
It helped that a stranger commented on how odd it is that facebook has access to enough to show us our history, it makes sense that a good fortune teller could, if they were so motivated, come to know us personally, having never spoken to us.
And the songs played on pandora were not defined by a computer choosing if and then, but by a person who had observed enough to know our preferences. Even the mere mention of Tal Bachman and Dave Barnes will effectively link the two, and thereby change what is my percieved preference.
A friend who understood this quite well used to randomly toss out key words that would cause certain, entirely uninteresting ads to appear. She also mentioned wanting to alter her playlist on pandora. I was interested, but did not, then, pay much with most things, I may be slow, but I do figure them out. On xfiles and old anasasi guy said, if it happened there is evidence, the earth records everything for us.
Someday, my delusions will be proven true or false, if they are false, that will still be true. :)